Wednesday, July 30, 2008


...jk. I have forgotten how to win.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

No news

Haven't really played that much in the last couple of days. I am also back to even, so I still have 20 buyins to go.

Later today, I hope to win something at Mannions. It should be fun.

Monday, July 21, 2008


So, I sit down at a 10 NL table to test out PT3 on my MAC (using vista because postgres doesn't work on mac). Boy, did I pick a good table. While I wait for the BB to roll around to me, I notice these two retards raising each other pf and on flop, dumping chips in the middle with crappy hands. Here's when I LOLed at both of them:

Run so good....17 more buyins til LEVEL UP


As of now, $50 for whoever catches me playing HU. GOGOGOG


So, I managed, yet again, to barf away my broll by playing dumb at 25 NL, tilting away at HU, and going wild at 10 NL. Right now its down to 200ish. NEW PLAN: Tomorrow, I think I will start at the bottom again and play at 10 NL. I will only play at the next level once I achieve 20 buyins at the current level. This is prolly something I should have done earlier but I was a retard and played outside of my broll (RETARDNESS count = 3).

I started playing at 10 NL today (I prolly won't count the buyins I won now in the 20). It is drastically easier than 25 NL (i.e. people are skerd/dumb). Anyways, while playing, I think I found something that I constantly do wrong - calling to see if I am right. Even when I was a wee little one, I always had to know if I was right and dreaded being wrong. So, I think I call too much in some spots just to verify my suspicions. For example, I'm UTG with JJ and open std pot (3.5x BB). Villain in the CO 3bets me (3x my bet) and I, without hesitation, 4bet him. Villain thinks and then calls. Flop comes 7dAc8c. I check and Villain shoves the rest of his stack (4 into 7). I think for a second and wonder what hand he is calling my 4bet pf but not shoving over. And the conclusions I come up with are AK, JJ (not likely as I have JJ) , and maybe QQ (but not likely). But like a retard, I called the flop just to make sure I was right....and I was - he had AK. Bah. I should stop doing this and trust my reads.

Anyways new plan starts now. Broll = 200 at 10 NL with 20 buyins to go.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Up a little, down more

So yesterday I played 2 MTT and 1 6max STT. The MTT were $3 + $0.30 KO Turbos. So each time you KO someone in the tourney, you get $0.50 for your troubles. I like this concept because it gives you a wee little incentive for KOing fools. Anyways, the field for the MTTs was 90 people. I made it deep in both of them. After being the chip leader in one of the MTTs, I busted as BUBBLE BOY....BAH. I had to make a move because my stack was dwindling. Unlucky for me, the guy also had the same pair, just a better kicker. So I busted 10/90 in this one. In the other MTTs, I busted ITM at 9/90. I lost KK vs A6o allin pf. In the process, I KOed 6 people between the two MTTs. So I was up a whooping $2 for the 2hrs I spent playing.

In the $6 + $0.50 6max turbo STT, the people were pretty bad. I doubled up quickly and never looked back. I single handedly KOed all 5 retards to win 1st and take down ~$18 in profits. So far, I am still on the positive side when it comes to playing DONKAMENTS. Maybe I will move up in limits for MTTs, granted my broll decides to stop barfing.

Now for the down :( . I went back to regular old 6 max today. I played 1 table at 50NL and 5 tables at 25 NL. Right off the bat, this happens at 50:

Did not expect this at all. He limps, then calls the raise, then calls the squeeze. I bet near-pot to charge any draw he might have. By the turn, I shoved $20 into $80 with TPTK and a gutshot. I did not expect his hand. Sigh. I think I will withdraw my initial $100 investment and play with my profits...if i bust, then so be it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Is this it?

So, I just finished playing 1.7k hands at 25NL and feel pretty dejected. In the session I ran into everything: losing set over set, getting outdrawn by FDs, getting it in bad (JJ vs KK on a low FD flop), missing coin-flips...Sure I stacked a few people here and there, but I ran bad and, as a result, got frustrated and played bad, really bad.

I have a sweet flush draw on the flop, hence the cbet. I turn a OESD...looking back maybe the reraise allin may not have been good; villain has only 7.85 left and is already committed :( Why do I think like this after the fact?

Hmm...what would you do in this hand?

Villian showed up with 36o a couple hands ago. Maybe I could have folded the turn for fear of Beluga, but there are so many draws out there and villain could easily have an overpair (99,TT, JJ) I called. By the river, I don't think its likely that villain will have 69 and the flush draw missed. Villain can still have an overpair or very possible 68s. What would you do?

I've been losing consistently for the past two months (down 2 BB/100 for ~25K hands or so). It's frustrating because I was winning early on and thought I made good decisions (HU is the gay). I think I will stop playing poker for awhile. Who knows, maybe I might stop for good.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hola Amigos!

Howdy. I'm Alg, and I "play" poker. Right now, I'm playing at 25NL and hope to go robusto. I try to play whenever I have time but my summer job messes that up. My goal for the summer is to play consistently at 50NL, but first I have to build up my broll to handle that limit....after swinging at HU, I'm currently around 500ish. I will try to move up when I hit 1K or quit when I go busto. I will probably use this blog to write down my thoughts and interesting spots I encounter.

So, today I played in this rakeback freeroll that occurs every month for people who earn some amount of rake. I usually don't play donkaments because they take so much time and the chance of getting in the money is low. I started off by stealing the blinds to test the waters. Shortly after, I tried bluffing by check-raising an AcKc8c with Kd9s after being the pfr, but the d00d raised allin. So, with a small stack I just played super tight. After a while I got a rush of cards allowing me to get a big stack. So, I just sat around waiting for bubble boy. Eventually, I busted 92 out of 624 and made it in the money. My final hand was my KK vs AJo allin pf.

Here's an intereting hand:

At this point in the donkament, there were only 20 or so people left before the money. Normally, I would easily 3bet the pfr with AKs but I got scared of busting....I guess I should have done it anyways. Flatting the flop is also probably bad as I know nothing about his hand and I commit even more chips with just two overs. He probably has a pp here, a worse ace, or even broadways that I could have bluffed him off of, but I was too skerd of committing chips here. I played this hand badly.

Anyways, I will have to study more and grind out 25NL 6max. Also, HU is the gay, imo.